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  This folder is not finished yet. This website is under development.
Draconian Warning
  Welcome, noble visitor, to this digital haven! Within these walls, you shall not only discern the cunning craft of a web architect, but also apprehend the artistry of my brush upon oil canvas.
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What service, gentle mind? To: dragon@dracoinvictus.com Subject: Free consultation From:
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Here dwell the faces of those most villainous, treacherous, scoundrels.

Barak H. Obama
Historical Failure

Nancy Pelosi
Utmost Treason

Joe Biden
Demented Zombie

Kamala Harris
Ignorant Fuck

Classified X-Files
Here dwells the classified and top secret files, knowledge hidden from the world by a few.

Encrypted Document
(No Access)

Birth Certificate
(No Access)

(No Access)

Top Secret and Classified Videos
Here dwells the classified and top secret videos, hence revealed to the world by a Dragon.

Draco Invictus's
Physical Form
(No Access)

De-Classified Documents
Here dwells the de-classified knowledge hidden from you using psychological warfare.

Draco Invictus

Recycle Bin

Oil Paintings


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The Mithy
Donald Trump

of the World

Religion is
Form of Control

The Great
Dragon Lord

Money Does
Not Exist



The Dragon

DRAKEBIOS (C) 2014 The Great Dragon Lord of Wisdom, Inc.
BIOS Date: 19/08/14 10:25:49 Ver: 01.66.66

Main Processor  : AMD FX(TM) 6300 350GHz @ 866MHz
Memory Testing : 16524666 OK

Auto-Detecting Pri Channel (0)... IDE Hard Disk
Auto-Detecting Sec Channel (1)... None
Auto-Detecting Thi Channel (2)... None
Auto-Detecting For Channel (3)... None


Press DEL to enter SETUP, ALT+F2 to update the Chipset.
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root@draco: /home/occult/great_dragon_lord #  
All heil and bow before the great dragon lord of knowledge, for he is the most dread and ancient of all beings!

The Great Dragon Lord

Forbear not, esteemed visitorTread carefully..and may your quest for
knowledge be ever fruitful!
, and enter with a light tread, for within these walls, thou shalt find a trove of secrets – forgotten lore from civilizations of eld, their technology so advanced it seems akin to sorcery to our eyes.

Ye who conspire to cloak the light of knowledge: The Great Dragon Lord, a being of eldritch might whose slumber predates the dawn of empires, his sharp maws shall consume not just your mortal coil, but the very essence of your soul!



root@draco: /home/illuminated/the_tree_of_knowledge #  
All heil and bow before the great dragon lord of knowledge, for he is the most dread and ancient of all beings!
The tree of knowledge for the illuminated ones.

The Tree of Knowledge Tree of many fruits

Amongst whispers of forbidden lore, there be tales of a shadowy tree.The Tree of KnowledgeSome of its roots are found
within this digital domain.
Its gnarled branches, heavy with age and secrets, bear not fruit, but glyphs that writhe and shift, whispering arcane truths to those bold enough to seek them. They say its roots delve into the very dephts of the unseen, drawing power from realms beyond mortal comprehension. Empires of old have crumbled to dust in their insatiable hunger for it, and many a soul has been slain in its pursuit.
Be warned, while it may unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and grant dominion over the world, it can also corrupt the soul and lead one down a path of madness.

Doth thine own conscience plague thee with queries of morality? Seek ye counsel, then, for thine inquisition shall be satiated!



root@draco: /home/classified/fbi/x_files #  
All heil and bow before the great dragon lord of knowledge, for he is the most dread and ancient of all beings!

FBI - The Vanished X-Files

The power of a forgotten civilization may be immense, but can just as easily corrupt the one who wields it. Their wisdom may shield you from unseen perils. The ancients may demand an offering, a tribute of some kind. Be it a rare artifact, a solution to an unsolved riddle, or perhaps even a vow of eternal secrecy. Learn more  



root@draco: /home/occult/illuminated/the_all_seeying_eye #  
All heil and bow before the great dragon lord of knowledge, for he is the most dread and ancient of all beings!

The Grand Pronouncements

Be not deceived by the grand pronouncements of the All-Seeing Eye! 'Tis naught but a mortal's artifice, a symbol masking the avarice of a tyrant! This redactedThe All-Seeing EyeLet righteous fury be our guide,
false idol, ill-gotten perch!
, cloaked in an illusion of divinity, wields power ill-begotten and undeserved. Reda heart is a festering pustule of malice, spews forth treason and deceit. Yet, by some foul alchemy of fate, Redacted  sits upon a throne Re  never rightfully claimed.