Straight from the United Kingdom, the king of comedy
Mr. Ricky Gervais receiving his oil painting!
Personalized Oil Paintings
The oil artist Fernando Bello will paint (by hand, with professional oil brushes) an oil painting using your photo as a reference.
You don’t have to buy the final product if you don’t like it! We will refund your order once the painting is returned.
Quality Guaranteed!
All paintings are 100% hand-painted by the artist Fernando Bello:
“I start by first priming the blank canvas with gesso, as it dries, using a pencil, I sketch the main subject using your photo as a reference (no tracing); once I have a good composition, the painting process begins, using artist grade oil paints and mediums.”
Made in the USA!
Meet the Artist
The artist – Fernando Bello – has been painting for many years, his style varies depending on commissions; He will work with portraits, pets, loved ones, dragons, fantasy, anything!
“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” – Aristotle
Fernando Bello
Oil Artist
“Happy are the painters for they shall not be lonely. Light and color, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end, or almost to the end, of the day.” Winston Churchill.
The Code
Web Designer & Developer
As Winston Churchill wrote in his book Painting as a pastime: “Go out into the sunlight and be happy with what you see. To me, painting is a companion with whom one may hope to walk a great part of life’s journey, Age cannot wither Her nor custom stale Her infinite variety.”
Churchill Cigars
For the smoky texture!
All paintings will receive a few blows of cigar smoke, a unique and special signature trait only found on this artist paintings!
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” Henry Ford.
Order your custom oil painting
Send a request for a quote on your very own framed portrait that will last through the ages. Hand painted just like it was by the old masters!